AUD $30.00


AUD $30.00
Only registered schools in New Zealand are eligible to register a .school.nz domain. To register a .school.nz domain, your school must go through an application and verification process with the Ministry of Education in New Zealand.
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Your Price: AUD $30.00
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  • Description

.school.nz is a top-level domain (TLD) specifically for pre-schools and primary/secondary schools in New Zealand. It’s like a digital schoolyard sign, instantly marking your website as the official online space for a learning institution.

Who can use it?

Only registered schools in New Zealand are eligible to register a .school.nz domain. This includes:

  • Pre-schools
  • Primary schools
  • Intermediate schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Special schools
  • Private schools

Benefits of using a .school.nz domain::

  • Credibility and trust: A .school.nz domain instantly conveys your school’s legitimacy and official status within the New Zealand education system.
  • Safety and security: .school.nz domains come with stricter security protocols, minimizing the risk of online threats and protecting students’ data.
  • Local recognition: Kiwis readily recognize .school.nz domains, potentially giving your school an edge over generic .com or .nz extensions when connecting with parents and the community.
  • Community association: Being part of the .school.nz community connects you with other schools in New Zealand, fostering potential collaborations and knowledge sharing.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Application process: To register a .school.nz domain, your school must go through an application and verification process with the Ministry of Education in New Zealand.
  • Limited availability: Due to its restricted nature, .school.nz domains might have limited availability for certain school names.
  • Renewal fees: Renewal fees for .school.nz domains may be slightly higher compared to generic extensions.

Overall, a .school.nz domain is a valuable asset for any school in New Zealand. It builds trust, strengthens your school’s online presence, and connects you with a crucial community of educators.