AUD $64.00


AUD $64.00
The .legal domain name is a top-level domain (TLD) specifically designed for the legal community. Introduced in 2015, it provides a dedicated online space for businesses and individuals involved in all aspects of law, from lawyers and law firms to legal academics and organizations.
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  • Description

Focus: Anyone connected to the legal world, including:

  • Lawyers and law firms: Solo practitioners, large firms, specialized practices, etc.
  • Legal organizations: Bar associations, legal aid groups, legal education institutions, etc.
  • Legal professionals: Paralegals, legal advisors, legal researchers, etc.


  • Clarity and relevance: Instantly tells visitors the website is related to law, making it easy to find and trust.
  • Branding: Creates a strong and professional brand identity associated with the legal field.
  • SEO: Can potentially improve search engine ranking within the legal niche.
  • Credibility: Demonstrates legitimacy and commitment to ethical legal practices.

Eligibility: Although anyone can technically register a .legal domain, there are certain eligibility requirements to ensure its use by qualified individuals and organizations. These may vary depending on the specific registrar, but generally include:

  • Lawyers: Must be licensed and in good standing with the bar association in their jurisdiction.
  • Law firms: Must be registered and authorized to practice law in their jurisdiction.
  • Legal organizations: Must be recognized or accredited legal entities.

Availability: While .legal has been around for several years, there are still many creative and desirable domain names available. However, popular choices, especially those representing specific practice areas, might already be taken.

Examples of how .legal domains can be used:

  • Law firm: “joneslawfirm.legal” for a general practice firm, “immigrationlawyers.legal” for a specialized immigration practice.
  • Lawyer: “john.smith.legal” for a solo practitioner’s website, “divorcelawyer.legal” for a lawyer specializing in divorce cases.
  • Legal organization: “nationalbarassociation.legal” for a professional association, “legaladvice.legal” for a website offering legal resources.

Overall, the .legal domain extension offers a valuable platform for the legal community to establish a distinct, credible, and easily discoverable online presence.