AUD $64.00


AUD $64.00
The .dating domain extension is a relatively new gTLD (generic top-level domain) launched in 2015 specifically for online dating websites and services. It aims to provide a clear and relevant indicator to users searching for love and companionship online.
Think of it as a neon sign flashing “Singles Welcome!” on your website.
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  • Description


  • Instantly tells visitors your website is all about finding love, attracting potential matches.
  • Targets online dating platforms, matchmaking services, dating advice blogs, and other romance-related businesses.
  • Can be used by niche dating sites catering to specific communities or interests.


  • Clarity and Branding: Instantly positions your website as a dating destination, attracting relevant traffic.
  • SEO Potential: May improve search engine ranking for relevant keywords like “dating,” “singles,” and “relationships.”
  • Targeted Marketing: Attracts users actively searching for dating opportunities, leading to higher engagement and conversions.
  • Professional Image: Projects a sense of legitimacy and specialization in the online dating world.

Who can use it?

  • Anyone can register a .dating domain, making it suitable for:
    • Established online dating platforms like Match.com or Tinder
    • Niche dating sites for specific demographics or interests (e.g., senior dating, LGBTQ+ dating, pet lover dating)
    • Local dating apps and services
    • Dating coaches and relationship advice websites
    • Dating event organizers and speed dating services

Overall, the .dating domain extension can be a valuable tool for businesses and individuals operating in the online dating industry. It can significantly enhance your online presence, attract potential matches, and establish a strong brand identity in the competitive world of love and relationships.