AUD $49.00


AUD $49.00
It’s specifically designed for websites and services catering to singles, particularly those seeking romantic connections.
It’s a niche domain extension that aims to create a dedicated online space for the single community.
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  • Description

Who can use it:

  • Dating sites and apps: It’s a natural fit for platforms that help singles find matches and connect with potential partners.
  • Singles events and meetups: Organizers can use it to promote events, attract attendees, and build a community of singles.
  • Singles-focused businesses: This might include travel agencies, matchmaking services, lifestyle brands, or social clubs catering to singles.
  • Individuals seeking a partner: Singles can use it to create personal websites or profiles to share their interests, hobbies, and dating preferences.


  • Branding and targeting: It instantly signals to visitors that the website is for singles, attracting the right audience.
  • SEO potential: It can potentially improve search engine ranking for singles-related keywords.
  • Community building: It fosters a sense of belonging and connection among singles, promoting interaction and engagement.
  • Memorability: It’s a catchy and unique domain extension that can stand out in people’s minds.


  • Availability: As with any domain, the availability of desirable .singles names might be limited.
  • Cost: Registration fees can vary, but they’re generally comparable to other popular domain extensions.
  • Awareness: Since it’s a newer domain, some users might not be as familiar with it, so promoting it might require extra effort.


The .singles domain name offers a unique and targeted way to reach the singles community online. It’s a valuable tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals looking to connect with singles, build a community, and potentially foster romantic connections. If you’re in the singles space, it’s worth considering a .singles domain to strengthen your online presence and attract the right audience.