AUD $49.00


AUD $49.00
Ah, .reisen! It might be unfamiliar because it’s a German word meaning “journeys” or “travel.” The .reisen domain extension, launched in 2014, caters specifically to the travel and tourism industry.
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  • Description

 Here’s why it’s a great choice for travel-related businesses:

Attract the Right Audience: Unlike generic TLDs, .reisen instantly tells visitors your website is all about travel. Potential customers looking for travel experiences know exactly where to click.

Brand Your Wanderlust: A .reisen domain allows you to create a brand name directly tied to the travel world. Imagine “FernwehReisen.reisen” (German for “Wanderlust Journeys”) or “AlpenAbenteuer.reisen” (German for “Alpine Adventures”) – instantly memorable and synonymous with exciting travel experiences.

SEO Potential in Your Language: While the impact of TLDs on SEO is multifaceted, a relevant domain like .reisen can potentially give your website a slight edge in search rankings for travel-related keywords in German and other languages where “reisen” is understood.

A Wider Landscape of Available Names: Compared to established TLDs with limited domain name options, .reisen offers a larger pool of available names in your chosen language. Say goodbye to frustratingly unavailable names – your catchy and relevant domain awaits!

Versatility for All Travel Ventures: Whether you’re a travel agency, a tour operator, a travel blogger, or even a vacation rental owner, the .reisen domain welcomes you. Showcase your destinations, promote your tours, build a community of travel enthusiasts, or attract German-speaking travelers – it’s your online travel hub, customized for your specific niche.

Remember, in the competitive world of travel, standing out matters. Let .reisen be your compass, guiding potential customers to your website and helping you navigate your way to online success.