AUD $49.00


AUD $49.00
Launched in 2014, it provides a dedicated online space for realtors, brokers, property management companies, and anyone involved in the buying, selling, and renting of property
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  • Description

 Here’s how .properties sets itself apart:

Instant Recognition: Unlike generic TLDs like .com, .properties tells visitors at a glance what your website is all about – property! No more navigating confusing websites to find what you’re looking for.

Branding Your Bricks and Mortar: A .properties domain allows you to create a brand name directly tied to your real estate expertise. Imagine “DreamHomes.properties” or “CityApartments.properties” – instantly memorable and synonymous with property transactions.

SEO with a Key to Open Doors: While the impact of TLDs on search engine optimization (SEO) is still debated, some experts believe a relevant domain like .properties can give your website a slight edge in search rankings for location-specific real estate keywords. Every bit helps in attracting potential clients!

A Wide Open Market of Domains: Compared to TLDs like .com where finding your ideal domain name can feel like finding a hidden gem in a bustling city, .properties offers a vast landscape of possibilities. Discover the perfect, catchy, and relevant domain name that truly reflects your real estate focus.

Versatility for Every Deal Maker: Whether you’re a solo realtor, a large brokerage firm, or a property developer, the .properties domain welcomes you with open arms (or house keys!). Showcase your listings, attract potential buyers and sellers, or build a community of real estate enthusiasts – it’s your online platform, built to help you close deals and make connections.

So, if you’re in the exciting world of real estate, consider planting your flag on the .properties domain. It’s a clear, brandable, and potentially SEO-friendly way to build a website that attracts clients, showcases properties, and helps you turn virtual leads into real estate deals. Remember, in the competitive world of property, even a small advantage can make the difference between closing doors and opening new possibilities. Let .properties be your key to unlocking online success in the real estate game!