AUD $49.00


AUD $49.00
Launched in 2014, it’s a dedicated top-level domain (TLD) specifically designed for the marketing industry.
Offers a dedicated online space for businesses and individuals involved in any aspect of marketing, from agencies and consultants to individual marketers and brands.
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  • Description

Who benefits from using .marketing:

  • Marketing agencies and professionals: Showcases their expertise and attracts potential clients looking for marketing services.
  • Brand marketing websites: Creates a brand-specific landing page or hub for all marketing activities.
  • Content marketing platforms: Positions them as the go-to resource for marketing content and resources.
  • Individual marketers: Builds a personalized online presence and showcases their skills and experience.

Benefits of using .marketing:

  • Clarity and relevance: Instantly tells visitors the website is about marketing, attracting the right audience.
  • Branding: Creates a unique and memorable brand identity associated with marketing excellence.
  • SEO: Can potentially improve search engine ranking within the marketing niche.
  • Credibility: Demonstrates professionalism and commitment to ethical marketing practices.


While gaining popularity, many creative and desirable .marketing domain names are still available. However, popular industry terms or brand names might already be taken.

Examples of how .marketing domains can be used:

  • Marketing agency: “creativespark.marketing” for a creative marketing agency, “sociamediamarketing.marketing” for an agency specializing in social media marketing.
  • Brand website: “apple.marketing” for Apple’s dedicated marketing page, “cocacola.marketing” for Coca-Cola’s marketing campaigns.
  • Content platform: “marketingtrends.marketing” for a website sharing marketing trends, “contentmarketingtips.marketing” for a platform offering content marketing tips.
  • Individual marketer: “johndoe.marketing” for a freelance marketer’s website, “marketingninja.marketing” for a personal brand highlighting marketing expertise.

Overall, the .marketing domain extension offers a valuable platform for anyone in the marketing industry to establish a distinct, credible, and easily discoverable online presence. It enhances visibility, builds brand identity, and fosters a sense of connection within the marketing world.