AUD $49.00


AUD $49.00
The .land domain name extension is another targeted top-level domain (TLD), this time focusing on the world of land and property. Launched in 2014, it offers a dedicated online space for businesses and individuals involved in any aspect of land, from selling and managing to development and conservation.
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  • Description



Focus: Anyone connected to land and property, including:

  • Businesses: Real estate agents, developers, brokers, landscaping companies, land trusts, etc.
  • Individuals: Landowners, farmers, investors, conservationists, etc.


  • Clarity and relevance: Instantly tells visitors what the website is about, making it memorable and easy to find.
  • Branding: Creates a strong and unique brand identity associated with land and property.
  • SEO: Can potentially improve search engine ranking within the land and property niche.
  • Open registry: Anyone can register a .land domain, meaning more freedom in choosing available names.

Cost: Registration fees for .land domains vary depending on the registrar, but generally fall within the range of other new TLDs.

Availability: With over 18,000 registrants already, popular choices might be taken, but many creative options remain available.

Here are some examples of how the .land domain can be used:

  • Real estate: “beachfronthomes.land” for a real estate agency specializing in coastal properties, “cityliving.land” for a website listing urban apartments.
  • Development: “sustainableland.land” for a company focused on eco-friendly land development, “farmtotableland.land” for a farm-to-table restaurant promoting its land connection.
  • Conservation: “forestpreserve.land” for a non-profit dedicated to protecting forested land, “wildlifeland.land” for a website advocating for wildlife conservation.

Overall, the .land domain extension provides a valuable platform for anyone in the land and property world to establish a distinct and relevant online presence.